Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Submission Tips

Steve Weddle, editor of Needle, has a great post about subbing to magazines over at Do Some Damage.

And yes, we all do stupid things when we first start submitting :)


Manuel Royal said...

Wow, Sandra. I get distracted for a few days and forget to read your blog, and you put up all sorts of interesting stuff. Thanks!

sandra seamans said...

You never know if it's going to be feast or famine around here, Manuel. :)

Manuel Royal said...

The "Under the Knife" anthology -- that's an irresistible idea. I've got to come up with something for that.

Oh -- Happy Independence Day! (And go ask a Tea Party guy if he can name any of the grievances in the Declaration *besides* taxation.)

(Reposted because I misspelled "irresistible". I used to know how to spell. And I could do grammar good.)

sandra seamans said...

Yes, I've been thinking about that one, too. It's trying to come up with an original idea that's got me stumped.

Ah, spelling, I use spell check and a dictionary both. Grammar always gets the better of me though.

pattinase (abbott) said...

People who write novels don't understand how hard it is to keep coming up with new ideas. And then I come up with three at once and forget two of them.

sandra seamans said...

I agree, Patti. Sometimes I feel like I'm writing the same story over and over. Or I come up with an idea and realize that it's already been done half to death.

With multiple ideas, I jot them down and stick them in a folder. When I'm coming up dry, I go through the notes, if an idea still stirs the juices, I use it.

Jeff Brown said...

You have a Great blog,Sandra! I'm going to read it and comment more often,and tell people about it on my Facebook page! Thanks! Take Care!

sandra seamans said...

Welcome to the Corner, Jeff! Glad you like the blog.