Thursday, April 19, 2012

On Writing

I love reading blog posts about writing. Sure, everything that needs to be said has been written in stone somewhere but sometimes I just need a refresher course. If you don't take a fresh look at what you're writing how can you improve?

Writers tend to get stuck in a rut. If they find something that works for them, they stick with it. You know, like that old adage if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Well, if the tire on your bike is soft, consider how much better it will run with a few blasts of air. Or maybe a little grease on the axle or a bit of oil on the chain. We're not talking about rebuilding the entire bike, we're talking about a few adjustment that will make it run smoother.

So with that in mind here are a few of the posts I found that made me take a new look at my own writing.

"Don't Fear the Kitten" by Richard Parks is about the reasons for breaking some of the rules

"Embracing Your Inner Butcher" also by Parks, is about learning how to cut your words until you have the story you intended to write.

"Falling into Dark" by Damien Walters Grintalis is about using all your senses to build a better horror story.

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