Saturday, September 4, 2010

Astra Publications

Last week Duotrope listed some new print magazines from this publisher and yesterday a few more went up.

Futura Machine
Read Shift SF
The Written Word

These are all print magazines with pay ranging from 2.5cents a word to 6cents a word. The word counts also vary from publication to publication.

I finally found a home site for Astra Publications On this site you'll find links to all 10 of their publications. Several of which also publish online stories. I posted this link over in the print/anthology section rather than each individual zine.


Margaret said...

Just discovered your blog while trying to research the mysterious Astra Publications. THanks for this great resource.

sandra seamans said...

Welcome to the Corner, Margaret. Astra surely is mysterious. Two weeks after getting listed on Duotrope they dropped two zines and turned PulpFic into a non-paying market. Makes you wonder who they are and what they're up to. Sounds like you're not having any more success finding out about them than I am. I did post a warning about the changes so everyone would be sure to go cautiously when submitting to them.